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The Six Pillars of Retirement Planning

Ryan Langan, CFP® | July 31, 2024

Planning for retirement is one of the most significant financial endeavors you'll undertake in your lifetime. It involves much more than just saving money; it's about ensuring you can live comfortably and fulfill your goals in your golden years. To effectively prepare, consider these six main pillars of retirement planning:

1. Defining Your Purpose in Retirement

Before diving into the financials, it's crucial to define your purpose. What do you want your retirement to look like? Do you dream of traveling the world, starting a new hobby, or spending more time with family? Knowing your goals and aspirations will help guide all other aspects of your retirement planning, ensuring your financial strategy supports your desired lifestyle.

2. An Annual Income Plan and Portfolio Withdrawal Strategy

Once your purpose is clear, the next step is to create an annual income plan and portfolio withdrawal strategy. This involves determining how much money you will need each year and devising a sustainable way to withdraw funds from your savings and investments. A well-thought-out withdrawal strategy can help prevent running out of money too soon and ensure a steady income throughout your retirement.

3. Tax Planning and Tax Management

Effective tax planning can significantly impact your retirement funds. By understanding the tax implications of your income sources, such as Social Security, pensions, and retirement accounts, you can implement strategies to minimize your tax burden. This may involve timing your withdrawals, taking advantage of tax-advantaged accounts, or considering Roth conversions.

4. Investment Allocation

Your investment strategy should evolve as you approach and enter retirement. It's essential to reassess your risk tolerance and adjust your asset allocation accordingly. Typically, this means shifting towards more conservative investments to protect your principal while still seeking growth to outpace inflation. A well-diversified portfolio can help balance risk and return, providing stability and growth potential.

5. Navigating Healthcare and Longevity

Healthcare is a significant expense in retirement, and planning for it is crucial. Consider the costs of Medicare, supplemental insurance, and potential long-term care needs. If you are planning to retire before you are eligible for Medicare, you must also account for the costs of purchasing private health coverage and how your income will affect your eligibility for healthcare subsidies. Additionally, as people are living longer, your retirement plan should account for a longer-than-expected lifespan to ensure you don't outlive your savings. Evaluating different healthcare options and creating a contingency plan for unexpected medical expenses is vital.

6. Creating an Estate Plan and Defining Your Legacy

Finally, a comprehensive retirement plan includes an estate plan. This ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and can help reduce the burden on your loved ones. Creating a will, potentially setting up trusts, and designating beneficiaries are key components of estate planning. Additionally, consider what legacy you want to leave behind, whether it's financial support for your family, charitable contributions, or passing on family values and traditions.


Retirement planning is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration of your goals, finances, and legacy. By focusing on these six pillars—defining your purpose, creating an income plan, managing taxes, adjusting investment allocation, navigating healthcare, and establishing an estate plan—you can build a plan that supports a fulfilling and secure retirement. Start planning today to ensure a bright and enjoyable future.